ARE YOU TRANS & Looking for fun and support?

Diablo Valley Girls

If you can make it to the Bay Area, the Diablo Valley Girls (DVG) might be a good fit! We are a social and support group serving the crossdressing and transgender community in Northern California. We have attendees from all over the East Bay, and neighboring cities.

The Diablo Valley Girls is a confidential “members only” group but is open to anyone who identifies as transgender and would like fellowship and support. DVG is a social, non-sexual, non-political, and confidential group created for support and fostering community. We have meetings throughout the year at homes, restaurants, and venues.

We range in age from our twenties through our eighties and come from a variety of backgrounds and professions. We may be married or single, and may describe ourselves as gay, straight, or bisexual. What we have in common is a desire to celebrate who we are and to support each other.  Our group is open to anyone who identifies as transgender, including crossdressers, transsexual women, and those who are questioning or exploring their gender identity. We invite partners, family members, friends, and allies to join us. Our spirit of inclusiveness creates a welcoming space where all of our members can enjoy themselves, and be themselves.

Founded by Donna Freeman and “Just” Janet the DVG community has participated in local transgender focused events for more than 30 years.

Contact Kathy Randall if you would like to get access to the calendar of events, or just to say “hi.” We have twice a month social meetings at a restaurant in Walnut Creek. Contact Kathy for details: